“Recovery from sexual abuse: Chelle – Ontario”

Dear Shaina:

I just wanted to write you and tell you my story, and what an impact your music has had on my road to recovery.

As a young teen, I had been sexually abused numerous times. I was also living with emotional abuse and an alcoholic family. I ended up starving myself to gain some kind of control in my chaotic life. I’ve suffered from anorexia and bulimia for 5 years now.

Finally this past year, I went to get help at an eating disorder clinic. I stayed there for 21 days and they played your CD a lot. One day, we all stood in a circle and held hands, and they played “How could Anyone”… and I cried hearing it, because it hit me so hard. During this time, many memories of past abuse were brought up, and I started having nightmares each night.

I stopped sleeping, I continued to starve myself, and I began cutting. But I would hum your songs, and I looked everywhere for your CD but could not find it. Then in April, I ended up in a psychiatric ward for trying to kill myself. While I was there, they put me on sleeping pills and I became dependent on them. When I ended up coming back home, I decided to go stay with my Grandma for a while. While I was there, we went into a new age store and found your CD, Songs For The Inner Child.

I was so happy. I played your songs over and over. For the past week, I haven’t taken any sleeping pills at night because I play your songs, and they put me to sleep. And while I sleep, I haven’t had nightmares of my past. How Could Anyone will always hit home with me. Your CD has brought me peace of mind, and given me hope; it’s helping me so much on my road to recovery.

Thank you.
Alberta, Canada

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